
Higher education costs are rising!

Higher education costs are rising!

The cost of higher education that is causing many to question whether it is worthwhile to continue education beyond high school is escalating.  High tuition costs , choosing college over employment involves opportunity cost, and students accumulate thousands of dollars of debt is, in long run, the worth investment. The risk is especially large for low-income famillies who already have a difficult time making ends meet without the additional burden of college tuition and other fees. 

There is evidence that the rate of return on investimentis high enough to justify although pursuing a college degree costs a lot.   


Androcles and the Lion

Androcles pulled out the thorn, as quickly as he could.
"Oooch!" yelped the lion.
"All done," said Androcles.
"thank you!" cried the lion happily."I'm Leo."
 One day, Androcles who is very poor man helped the Lion in the forest. After  that, Adrocles was caught the soldier and was taken to Rome. Then, he had to fight lions in an arena. Androcles trembled with fear but an lion didn't attack him. he opened his eyes. The lion was Leo! Finally, he became free and started his own show with his friends.


Androcles and the Lion
Retold by Russell Punter
2008 Usborne Publishing Ltd.



She sure looks dressed up,
Henry thought.
She sure looks clean,
Uh-oh, he thought.
Her dress was frilly.
Her shoes were shiny.
Her face was worried.
In this story, mainly two people appeared. The boy's name is Henry, who is very active. On the other hand, the girl whose name is Annie is fastidious. At first, they didn't play well. When she kissed the big dog he has, she pulled out a hanky and wiped the dog drool, or when she enter Henry's room her eyes got wide, and her mouth hung open because his room was too dirty. But little by little, their relationship would be better. It is interesting to see this process.

Then they went inside to Henry's room.
They were sweaty and dirty and tired.


HENRY AND MUDGE and the Careful Cousin
Level Two
By Cynthia. R
A Ready-to-Read Book/Fiction

TINTIN Denger at Sea

Suddenly, Tintin saw the sand in front of him.
'Watch out! We're going down!' he shouted. 
'Oh no!' shouted Captain Haddock. 
CRASH! The plane fell into the sand.
The three friends were OK but all they 
saw was sand. There were no houses and no water!
'We can't stop now!' said Tintin. 'We're going to walk to 
Bagghar to find the treasure. Let's go!
The friends started to walk across the sand.


It is very interesting. If you read this book, you will be exited almost all time. In this story, mainly two people and one dog play the active part. Their names are Tintin, Captain Haddock and Snowy. They always do exciting things, for example, making a bonfire on the small boat they are taking, or puting the fuel into the plane on the flghting in the storm, and they make us fun. They also have a courage. Even if the bad man  who has the gun appers, they don't hesitate and fight back!


Tintin, Snowy and Captain Haddock are looking for treasure. It is said that there is treasure on the Unicorn ship.
Can they got there and find the treasure?


The Adventures of TINTIN Danger at Sea
Adopted by Nicole. T  (2012)
Popcorn ELT Readers



Hello. Nice to meet you. I am Nishimoto Souya.
My home town is Tabuse Cho in Yamaguchi prefecture.

I belong to the department of material sciense and engineering , faculty of engineering ,
and we are studing mainly metal materials, for example steel and alminium, etc.

I like watching and taking pictures of stars or the moon.
So I often go to places with few lights from the town and where the stars can be seen clearly,
for example Aso mountain by car with my friends.
It is difficult to take pictures of star because even if it's not rain, if there are some clouds we can't look stars.
But when I can take a beautiful picture, I am very happy. 

I also like to take a walk. In the evening, I often go to riverside of Sirakawa river which is flowing by Kumamoto
Univercity. Because it is refreshing and quiet there, I can relax.

To lern Academic Writing in this class, finally I want to be able to write Englishi paper.

Answer Unit 2

1. a broad accent
2. in general agreement
3. it mitigating circumstances
4. collocates with factors
5. she has auburn hair
6. I felt deliriously happy
7. a broad smile
8. a picturesque locatoin
9. he adjourned a meeting
10. a picteresque town
11. rest during a trial
12. inclement weather

1. Melissa has quite a broad Scottish accent
2. inclement weather led to the cancellation of the Presidet's garden party
3. we felt deliriously happy when we heard we'd won the award
4. their new home was in a very picturesque location
5. because there were mitigating circumstances that made the theft less serious
6. I think we should adjourned the meeting now and continue it tomorrow
7. she had a broad smile on her face when she arrived
8. she has lovely auburn hair
9. I think we're in generally agreement as to what should be done


When I passed the exam , I felt deliriously happy